Breathwork for Exercise & Sports Performance

The Oxygen Advantage™ Breathing programme is a series of unique breathing exercises for optimum health and sports performance. The exercises focus on two pillars: functional breathing and simulation of high-altitude training.

As a certified Oxygen Advantage Breathwork Coach specialising in sports performance enhancement, I can share valuable insights and resources on how to enhance your exercise and sports performance.  Whether you are new to exercise and need support on how to start, currently exercising but feeling you are out of breath all the time, or are an athlete looking to improve your personal best, breathwork will support you in this journey.

Understanding Breathwork and Oxygen Advantage

Brief Overview

Breathwork and the Oxygen Advantage technique are powerful tools that harness the body's natural breathing mechanics to optimize oxygen utilization. This leads to enhanced physical performance, making them invaluable assets for athletes seeking to push their boundaries. The Oxygen Advantage™ Breathing programme is a series of unique breathing exercises for optimum health and sports performance. The exercises focus on two pillars: functional breathing and simulation of high-altitude training.

The Science Behind it

Controlled breathing techniques for functional breathing for optimal health, simulation of high-altitude training and nasal breathing play a pivotal role in regulating oxygen uptake and utilization. By utilizing these techniques, individuals can achieve better oxygenation of tissues and develop a heightened tolerance to carbon dioxide, crucial factors in achieving peak athletic performance.

Functional Breathing Training

+ Breathe easy, even during exercise.
+ Hack your breathing & ease stress
+ Open your airways
+ Track your breathing progress
+ Sleep better, breathe better, live better
+ Find your smile & sleep well
+ Improve strength & power
+ Feel happier, healthier & stronger

Simulation of altitude training

+ Delay lactic acid & muscle fatigue
+ Become a better sprinter
+ Stop gassing our before the finish line
+ Increase oxygen activity
+ Enhance performance, safely & legally
+ Push post you personal best
+ Boost Swimming economy
+ Recover Quickly

Benefits for Exercise and Sports Performance

Increased Endurance and Stamina

Through breathwork and Oxygen Advantage techniques, individuals can significantly extend their ability to perform at higher exertion levels. This results in improved endurance and stamina, allowing athletes to sustain intense efforts over longer durations.

Improved Oxygenation of Tissues

By engaging the diaphragm more effectively through controlled nasal breathing, breathwork enhances the delivery of oxygen to body tissues. This process not only optimizes performance but also aids in recovery.

Strengthening Respiratory Muscles

Breathwork exercises target and strengthen respiratory muscles, leading to improved overall respiratory function. This enhanced efficiency of the respiratory system directly contributes to better performance during physical activities.

Breathe With Me

Discover the power of breathwork

Embark on your path to peak performance by joining me for a private breathwork session in Brighton & Hove or sign up for an oxygen advantage workshop that I run quarterly. These resources are your gateway to unlocking your full physical potential and achieving unparalleled athletic feats. Begin your journey today.

Book a FREE 20 minute discovery call with me