Hey there, fellow dreamers and night owls!

Today, I’m going to dive into a topic that might just revolutionize the way you think about bedtime. That’s right, we’re talking about the unsung hero of a good night’s rest: the way you breathe while you sleep as we all know what it feels like to have a bad night’s sleep. The tired eyes, feelings of exhaustion, struggling to find energy for the day ahead. So, let’s cosy up and explore the magic of nighttime breathing.

The Night-time Symphony: Breathing in Harmony
Ever wondered why some mornings you wake up feeling like you could conquer the world, while other times it’s more like you’ve been in a wrestling match with your blankets? The secret lies in how you breathe when you sleep.

1. The Serenade of Nasal Breathing
Picture this: You’re cosy in bed, feeling warm and safe, eyes closed, and gently inhaling and exhaling through your nose. This is the bedtime serenade your body craves. Light, soft and diaphragmatic Nasal breathing is like a lullaby for your nervous system, gently coaxing it into a state of calm and tranquillity, allowing you to drift off to a peaceful night’s sleep.

When you breathe through your nose, you’re allowing your body to tap into its natural rhythm. It’s a dance of oxygen and carbon dioxide that ensures every cell gets the nourishment it needs, and oxygenation of the blood increases by 10 to 20 percent. Plus, your nose acts like a natural humidifier, keeping the air just right for your lungs and all that amazing nitric oxide in your nasal cavity keeps your blood vessels in the airways and lungs beautifully dilated and supports your immune system. Ah, blissful Zzzs indeed!

2. The Mouth Breathing Blues
Now, imagine a night when your mouth takes centre stage in the breathing department. It’s like swapping out a gentle acoustic melody for a loud rock concert. Mouth breathing can disrupt the delicate balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body, leaving you feeling groggy and unrested.

When you breathe through your mouth, it’s like bypassing the VIP entrance to your lungs. The air doesn’t get the chance to get warmed up, moistened, or filtered, and your lungs have to work harder to make sense of it all. Mouth breathing causes fast, upper chest breathing that contributes to stress, anxiety and brain fog. No wonder waking up feels more like a marathon than a leisurely stroll!

3. Snore No More
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: snoring, maybe you’re a mouth puffer or have sleep apnoea. We’ve all been there, either as the snorer or the sleep-deprived partner. The good news? Proper nighttime breathing can be a snore-stopper!

Nasal breathing keeps those airways open and happy. It encourages the soft palate and tongue to play nicely, preventing the notorious vibrations that lead to snoring. So, not only will you sleep like a baby, but your bedmate will thank you too!

How do you know if you are breathing through your mouth at night?
Well, there’s one super easy clue here, if you wake up during the night or in the morning and your mouth feels dry then that’s a sure sign your mouth breathing. If you have been breathing through your nose your mouth will feel wet when you wake up.

Tips for Becoming a Bedtime Breathing Pro
Now that we’ve uncovered the nighttime breathing secrets, let’s talk about how you can become a pro at it.

Nasal Clearing Ritual: Before you hit the hay, take a moment to clear your nasal passages. A gentle saline spray or a quick rinse can do wonders.

Embrace the Pillow: Elevate your head slightly with a comfortable pillow. This encourages a natural head position for easier, smoother breathing.

Practice Makes Perfect: If you’ve been a mouth breather for a while, don’t worry! It’s never too late to retrain your body. Gentle reminders during the day to close your mouth when breathing and breathing tools at night can help make nasal breathing second nature.

Mouth Tape: For those of you who haven’t heard of mouth taping at night this might sound extreme but bear with me, it’s not as scary as it sounds. When we have been in the habit of breathing through our mouths at night this little bit of tape is our best friend. It helps our mind and body adjust to the habit of closing our mouth at night and within a few days of trying this, you will love how you feel in the morning. Reach out to me if you would like to know how to safely use mouth tape at night.

So, to wrap it up, the way you breathe when you sleep is a silent hero in the quest for a restful night’s slumber. So, let’s give a nod to our trusty noses and make a pact to embrace the magic of nighttime breathing. Here’s to nights filled with sweet dreams and mornings that greet us with open arms!

As you may tell I love breathwork (I’m obsessed with it!) and how our breathing impacts our whole mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. If you are struggling to get a good night’s rest or feeling low in energy and would like to explore how breathwork can help feel free to reach out to me anytime or book a discovery call. There’s an amazing Breathwork breathing programme called Buteyko that has all the answers for a good night’s rest!

With love
Pauline @ ToBeBreath